We build tailored M&E and research methodologies to support public and private entities in delivering social change in remote locations, fragile states, and developing countries.
Our complementary expertise in qualitative and quantitative methods has been successfully employed in various assignments: from OECD-DAC-based evaluations and verification exercises to more advanced outcome-focused monitoring systems and research; from descriptive and inferential statistics to country-level econometric assessments.
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Our team members have supported governments, multilateral institutions, as well as private foundations...
... delivering projects in 30+ countries
Our team and network include experienced professionals with a wide range of advisory and on-field experience, as well as relationships with trusted data collection partners across our countries of operation.
Methodica Consulting is led by Monica Gazzola, with 12+ years of experience in large-scale, multi-country M&E projects primarily in sub-Saharan Africa, supporting major donors (e.g., UN, EU, UK, US) in a wide range of thematic areas, including stabilisation, peacekeeping, governance, countering violent extremism (CVE), migration, women empowerment and military operations. She has advanced expertise in actor-centred approaches and behaviour change-focused methodologies, both in monitoring and evaluation.
Monica led the design and implementation of 15+ evaluations, deploying an array of approaches and methods: OECD-DAC, realist evaluation, outcome harvesting, theory-based (e.g., COM-B Model), thematic assessments, portfolio, project and country evaluations. For instance, she delivered multiple evaluations for MINUSMA; she led the GCERF Mali country-strategy evaluation using a realist approach; she conducted the evaluation of OP BROADSHARE (UK Military response to COVID in the Caribbean) using Outcome Harvesting.
Monica has also led and contributed to a number of multi-year and multi-country monitoring systems of large portfolios. She recently implemented an outcome-focused monitoring system for the UK Government (based on Outcome Mapping) for the Multilateral Strategy (MuSt) portfolio; previously, while embedded in MONUSCO (in DR Congo), she led the monitoring system of the Mission’s Stabilisation portfolio.
Her skillset also includes training and coaching. As M&E Adviser to the 2* Standing Joint Force Headquarters (SJFHQ), she trained branches on Operational Assessment and contributed to Exercises and SOP updates.
Monica is security cleared (UK,NATO) and is part of the Office for Conflict, Stabilisation and Mediation (UK Government). She has been formally trained on Outcome Mapping and Outcome Harvesting (OMLC), as well as on Joint Operations Planning (JOPC, Joint Warfare).
We are always looking for skilled and motivated individuals to join our team and network. If you don’t find a job opening that fits your profile, please do not hesitate to submit your CV at hr@methodicaconsulting.com.
Job openings
We are looking for a motivated Analyst to assist on the monitoring and evaluation of projects, as well as on business development and proposal writing.
The Analyst is not expected to have significant working experience. We will invest significant resources to coach the Analyst to allow them to be successful on the job. For successful Analysts, this is the first step of career progression at Methodica.